Wednesday, April 25, 2007

never seen it kid, never

Aberdeen filled with blood
known and crude,
poured out in coffee fulls
great howling moons
marbled down the gray asphalt
under the ascendancy of Night
like a weekend singed by
vodka, straight Siberia to
the brain- straight
disobedient blue notes tapped [out]
on toy pianos- in the
nowhere collage dorm- before
the album skipped the
seeds where hosted on
Diver Down and let go
out the window for
the squirrels, for the weight
of one quarter of an ounce,
to germinate- the next 20 years
in a jocular wistful, windblown
proof of purchase.

Monday, April 23, 2007


i am formed in the
beast brown fields
in between the sand, stone and smashed
glass conglomerate
glinting down industrial row
i am the ghost of chlorine
my hand has broken
holding my own in this
doomed Provence border
kingdom of rust and lustrous chemicals
saving every spent dream,
(crematorium scull cap furnace full)
fueling Lenten anger
my newest food: deprivation
a catalog of overtime
and baby boom- stuffed
with it until the last
tendril of mind is chocked
and still, unable to move that
luckless palm out in to the
world unable to draw the
next card, unable to out
maneuver yesterdays long
shadow, and move out in to
Canadian breeze- Arizona sun.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

wormwood thimble full

and all we want to know is if the
road is ruined, if we can say
the mouth will chew or kiss
if a hands touch
will empty us, or
fill our life up -
if the coin is copper
or nickel, this time-
if silver is extinct then
let us hunt her bone for
bone in the dollar store-
watch season, season, as the side walk reveals its
cloistered life, Purslane, and Shepherds purse
watch as the trees rip apart
nearly every early
spring, wait for the soft
ruin to come, if the fertile has
also anger, eventually
enough to fight for fools gold
and feral metal beer, pop, tin can
or will the silver vain run
along the spine of her pearls-
slow, bolster, scales, tang
cut a line
demarcating the edges of a cumulus
day dream, clay, sticks, rain
built for stuck, built to sail.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

after long long night

beeps in reverse
a dilapidated heap
heaves its yellow core
through Sunday sleep
the yesterday of funeral & festival
pasted with a wink,
nudged by tomorrow, the
running gag builds family
homes, power plant dams,
and in these yesterdays
crafts broad tomorrows
solemn giants serious as
your own blood coming
out, thin ghosts and thin
time converging
at this present heading
to qualify all time
from death to beginning

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


alone in a room
i love you-

the world is not
a lonely room-

when i am with you
i am a vacant
claw gripping

clay-less being,

erupted pebble

fortifies my


seals in
the chamber of
my chest

dust that renders
the vaguest
features of your face

what her jawline ignores

you have made me old,
a Buddha string hanging
tragic muffler
as palladium
green grass at the
the girls are field
on the path
qualified lovers
an ocean
then a
because of you,
a hundred times
died stop motion
if only your [photo] dancing where real
this time
and blue would
be beautiful and unchain
my heart
to sink through transparent

Sunday, April 15, 2007


spring frost almost
It is the easiest blue I've ever known,
smoke leaves
its lazy tracing air to the
Drowsiness is the
upper jaw of heaven, still
dark at dawn.

seasons neologism,
Winds open
on all sides,
Not a drop is not disturbed,
the winter has stolen spring
corrects it

Then, it is summer,
dark and masculine
forces a bark: a slow howl emerges,
the dark
mouth bends light
heaviest green
no escape
for the Pleiades

as these
days drool down
neither sadness or resentment,
honey and salmon,
as a guest
in the eyes of a rabbit
where faith quarrels alone

October sniper
pose along
roads, and wail
The poor alms of
twilight means-
Friends, age
in this term graciously.

Autumn wood almost golden,
its shine is
not sunlight,
snow-blunt and transparent, blue so
Tranquil, dry and devolved
that the contest ends
in the beloveds

Friday, April 13, 2007

cigarettes of light and misery

Peter I have senses- plastic as
the hours- crows ending in
dynamos- industrial
forms- come on Joe,
come with me- it is unbelievable
this wing makes noise
of voices over head
the tarmac is ready
the obscenity of
light is
dancing and making
the soldiers home sick
for weaving
the buried are not weeping the
powder is bleating and sweating in the
brass ball cartridge waiting
the paper is molding and the
hands are unfolding at
the whistle the gassing- and the
dawn breaking out like a warning.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

mascara bags

[human bon bon]

nothing left,
the banks are closed to the
tide tonight
the boats have drifted
the ice
the silent pause
is filled in the format
of the global call,
the cell phone, is a butter fly
present in the void
such soft wings to
kiss an ear, long ago the
meat left the bone
and the stew grew thick
mythologic foam
oceans grey, blue green
and bursting soup seaweed
cells to the corner ceiling
of the 3rd story walk up
carry your breath with you
when the hopeless moan
casts over
like a razor cymbal-
there breath in
and be once, 13.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

words, words, words

blue mountain, there
the television
runs on coal, the
world bleeds plants
to flame
and the electromagnetic
charms of light
fill the
hollow textbook with
like Sylvia, dieing
once more before
the unbearable hands
of adolescence
there, burned in the mists of campfire
(lets have it then:
pavement and aftershave)
the coins in the mayors pocket
dwindle down to bus fare and
the constituency, you too
turnstile jumpers, in the rain
as it pours and pours.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

used books

rain mixes with oil with dirt
with the voice of the
man on the phone begging for
one more chance,
being alive
he will get one
but still
hanging up
the phone
he shuffles back
alone to his
room at the
YMCA, out side the window
street lights mix
the smear of tires
around yesterdays corner
there ghosts
the errors of being
close the door-
in the light of the moon
every thing combines
blue into Tuesday night
the mind wanders
south and then east
through this mess of one
splashing galosh after another
in search of
the next calls coin.