Thursday, April 19, 2007

wormwood thimble full

and all we want to know is if the
road is ruined, if we can say
the mouth will chew or kiss
if a hands touch
will empty us, or
fill our life up -
if the coin is copper
or nickel, this time-
if silver is extinct then
let us hunt her bone for
bone in the dollar store-
watch season, season, as the side walk reveals its
cloistered life, Purslane, and Shepherds purse
watch as the trees rip apart
nearly every early
spring, wait for the soft
ruin to come, if the fertile has
also anger, eventually
enough to fight for fools gold
and feral metal beer, pop, tin can
or will the silver vain run
along the spine of her pearls-
slow, bolster, scales, tang
cut a line
demarcating the edges of a cumulus
day dream, clay, sticks, rain
built for stuck, built to sail.

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