Tuesday, November 6, 2007

formattable couch

fear, the venture of love,
the over arching boundary
what is there, left to break-
easily as the
mended heart, the
owl speaks
and the mouse,
the bent flame
of existence repeats
in the pulse, and the eye;
is the force the
breath journals in
to the body,
long hand notes of
who to be, and critiques of the
body in being, fear the venture
of love, the language, is new
but the words are repeating
and i dance, with out dancing
cool in the new November evening
wondering aloud, her new body
the symptoms of
animal being, blood, building
its self in to a structure of
longing, the world, becomes
apparent, lists arrive like bees
storefronts, collapse, bricks blink in
hand warmed humanity, i eat chunks
of sky, and dwell in that eating
what can not be consumed, will be
burnt to cinder, bitter or not the
fear, the heart, the lover must be
placed gently on the tongue and savored.

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