Thursday, April 3, 2008

even grows the thin man

knowing there is a
broad leaf waiting,
knowing there
is a
bullet changed
for gold
for water
for mineral rice, i know
there is some thing
willing to push
the street up and
willing to
flatten the sound of
sirens and church bells
and guard dogs
belting out
there beating
me: sleeping,

the sun is green
and muddy with
the volcano of
violently takes lead
in the parade,
the flowers have come back-
is it
even possible-
you now believe
in resurrection
being the hind
leg and dangerous
scratching out the
silver bulbs of being
tubes that reach down
to the middle
of the earth where
the hand opens to
the heart of
all things- cool dirt
the hard hope
of new seasons
the thunder
at the foot
of falls all night
the orchid grows
while you remain unwilling

1 comment:

David said...

I like this one.