Thursday, May 6, 2010

the dark morph- blue no longer, now white

i invited a nightmare
and it came, a shadow of
ash it rested its silk generously
over all things to bury a panic,
under it's hooked epidemic-
bored of its own fangs, sunk
in the the sun warm second of
asphalt, any abandon parkway will
do, or closet or
any room, to grow
muscles and toxicity,
the keenest
of claws, draw blood, not clean and
oyster coppery but hard as the sun that
dries out bones, white as talc
a bleached reel of memory
repeating... i know more than this
i know more than this
but i do not know any more
this now institution has held me aloft
and dropped me, as small
as a nest feather, to the ground,
blown to the river, where
i float and fall with a tide
i am forgetting, and a current
carrying me closer to oblivion

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